Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Being a Missionary Every Day

Missions are hard. On our missions we learn so much and grow so much. Missions are the boot camp for life afterwards. They teach us so much we can't even put it all on one blog post. But a missionary isn't invincible when he or she comes home. They don't grow super powers to permanently stay in the church or resist Satan. I never want to be the same after my mission. I want my mission to change me and I want to be a forever missionary. Being a missionary isn't wearing a name tag, it's living the gospel as Christ would want us to and inviting everyone learn more. I want to be an amazing memeber missionary when I get home. I never want to not read my scriptures or say my prayers everyday. No one is perfect but I want to stay strong in the gospel because it has changed my life. That is my invitation to each of you. They gospel should change you. Your missions should change you. You will lose that growth if you don't nurture it at home too. If you're behind now, get up and start today! It's not hard, it's just the little things every day! I know that this gospel blesses lives and I know that it has changed me. I knwo that it will change if yours, if it already has, then let it change it again and again and again. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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