Monday, May 9, 2016

Reflections on the past six months

This week I hit my click day and I've been out offially for six months (gasp!). It's flown by so quickly! Days feel like weeks, weeks feel like days, and months feel like minutes. My companion left for the airport this morning and it's caused a lot of reflection. I am so grateful for this time I have this time to dedicate to the Lord. It really is an opportunity to learn how to follow him and how to set myself up for how I want to be when I go home. 
  1. Always try and put your companion first. 
  2. Discouragement is a temptation. Don't get discouraged.
  3. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but he does expect us to do the very best we can
  4. When we strive to be closer to God, he really will show us our weaknesses so that we can work on them and make them into strengths (Ether 12:27)
  5. People don't only get one chance. If investigators drop us, that doesn't mean they'll never get baptized or improve their life, it just means they're just not ready.
  6. I'm not made for long distance dating and being focused on missionary work.
  7. Bible bashing isn't worth my time or the Lord's time. Just testify and walk away.
  8. I will never go a week without the sacrament if I can help it. It is too precious and so needed.
  9. Don't be negative, that lets Satan in and then your thoughts become hard to control.
  10. I'm so done with football in general. People here are OBSESSED. I literally see the number 12 everywhere I go and I actually kind of miss seeing crosses everywhere in the South.
  11. Hanging a cross somewhere in your home (and all over churches, schools, daycare, etc.) is officially downright creepy. You're hanging a reminder that Jesus died! Like, dead. So morbid! The fact that he died is important, but it's just as important as the fact that he suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane and was resurrected. ALL of it is important. 
  12. The gospel needs to be known by the heart and not just the mind. When only understood by the mind, you get people like the guy I met on Thursday who believes that Jesus really did come to America and wants the Book of Mormon to be true. BUT he holds too fast to the hearsay he has heard about the church and believes that the Book of Mormon is a "second gospel". Good person, just doesn't have a testimony.
  13. Always just testify when I talk to my friends, if they have questions about doctrine, I should let the missionaries help me. My job as a member is be support and testimony, the missionaries teach and baptize.

But I kind of want to concentrate this little nugget right here: Alma 37:7 "...the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes...", Alma 37:6 "...that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass...", Alma 37:41 "...because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works...", 1 Nephi 16:29 " small means the Lord can bring about great things..." It really is the little things that matter! When we stop doing the small things like reading the Book of Mormon every single day and praying every day, we become casual in things like going to church and going to the temple. The little things build up and then before you know it you're not coming to church, you're working at another church in the daycare on Sundays, and wondering how you got there.

I know with a surety that the Book of Mormon is true. Real, in-depth study, is how we keep our testimonies alive. If you don't already know if it is true, I invite you to read it and find out for yourself. It will truly change your life as it has mine. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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