Sunday, September 27, 2015

From the inside out

"And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just--yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them--therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God." (Alma 31:5) I read this verse the other day, but I heard it again in sacrament meeting today. This may seem like a simple notion, that preaching the gospel will cause more change in people than the sword, but this notion is true! Love teaches and changes people than  a "system" or laws or wars or rules or regulations. If church is treated and taught to be a requirement and a punishment, then it will be viewed as such. If church is treated and taught to be as a treat, a special relaxing and spiritual escape, then it will be that. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes getting out of bed is hard. Sometimes getting kids in the car without screaming is hard. I know that living where I have lived, and going to school where I have, I have learned to love church. Church was an escape. Someplace sacred and quiet.

In high school I was not very nice and far too sarcastic, and then I learned about charity. Charity is the pure love of Christ (Moroni 7:46-48). I heard about it in seminary and slowly realized I lacked in this quality. I wanted it though. I started an internal change. Something that is being gained through my own choice. Not through the strict rules of my family. Not through the rules of school. Not through the standards of the church. I was already following those. I began to understand the spirit of those rules and standards. The change brought about came from within and with the spirit. 

I bear my testimony that I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has the full gospel. I know hat as we learn and live the gospel we will change from the inside out. I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Girl Power!

Ladies, let's face it, we have it kind of rough. From periods to periods (and let's be honest, that is a true range of issues) to bad hair days to out of control hormones and so on. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair. We're criticized by everyone, mostly other women, that we're too fat, short, skinny, tall, awkward, nice, mean, ugly, pretty, it doesn't matter, for some reason it's always a bad thing even if it should be good in theory.

BUT YOU'RE REALLY AMAZING!!! You are a Daughter of God! You are beautiful no matter what you look like. Women are awesome! We help create and then carry little people! We are entrusted with our Heavenly Father's children to specially care for and co-raise these special spirits! We rock! We are given the errand of angels. 

For most young women, today periods won't be worth it. Today the mean girls at school might not see your worth. Today your broken heart might not be mended. But God has a plan for you and he counts your tears. He knows your trials and struggles. He knows that you sometimes feel alone. He knows YOU. Know that you're never alone. I testify that women have a divine nature that was specially given to us. I know that God loves me and that everything I go through will be worth it one day. So be peacemakers, be kind, lift one another up, and don't forget who you are. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Always Taken Care Of

I know I was blessed last semester. Gas may have been cheap, but going through gas is never cheap on a college budget. My tank would somehow hold two gallons more than it should every time I would fill it up, meaning it would fill two gallons more than what the gauge tracked. So it was "full" for at least thirty miles before it started to decrease again. This time around I'm not paying for my own gas and I've noticed that when it's full, it doesn't stay full for another thirty miles, it just decreases like normal. I know and love my Heavenly Father and I know he was watching out for me every day. Every day I prayed for monetary help. And often without noticing, I was blessed every day. I testify that God has a plan for each of us and he's always watching out for us. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Getting Rid of the Weeds

Yesterday I was gardening with my family. I moved from the garden around the pool, to the "middle garden" (it's a long garden in the middle of our yard with our peach and apple trees, watermelon, melon, pepper, and raspberry plants). I was given charge to weed there because it hadn't been weeded in a while. So I went over ad started to inspect the areas that needed the most love (we had a time limit). I found that within the area where the watermelons are planted, there were lots of weeds that looked suspiciously like the poison sumac I learned about at Young Women's camp. I went and grabbed my gloves and started pulling all of that out first. These weeds didn't have big root systems but trying to pull those out instead of the watermelons was hard because they were growing so close together. 

As I was weeding I thought about how the sacrament and repentance is very much like weeding. We try and not commit the same sins over and over, and the sacrament washes us clean like baptism. However, sometimes we need extra help with weeding. Sometimes we have weeds that have massive root systems and are hard to pull out. Sometimes we have a poisonous plant growing all over our garden. It is then that we need extra help. The poisonous plants could be compared to sins as serious as sexual sins. It's not impossible to take out, but we can't do it ourselves. With the help of our bishops, we are able to gain a better understanding of grace and how to use it.

I bear my testimony to you that I know that by grace we are saved after all we can do. I know that repentance is real and possible. We can overcome sin! It's not impossible! I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.