Saturday, June 27, 2015


This week at the campground there was a little boy with Down Syndrome in the laundry room listening to Brother Bear over and over again. Some of my coworkers groaned but didn't do anything about it. The office wasn't busy, so I went over to our half-door and said hello. He said hello and smiled and I knew he was definitely one of God's strongest spirits. I was also reminded of my mom's gift. My mom is getting her master's degree in special education, and has a gift with these children that is beautiful to watch. While I feel clumsy and awkward, my mom takes them under her wing and loves them. She is far more in tune with these precious spirits than I have ever seen. 

Everyone has gifts, and some are more obvious and some take years to develop. I am very grateful for the gifts that I have and the gifts of my mama and my daddy. My parents have helped shape me into the strong young woman I am today. 

I bear my testimony that I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true, and I know that each of us has God given gifts. As we develop our gifts we will be blessed and we will bless others. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Promised Blessings

My Patriarchal Blessing is so amazing. The other day I was reading it again and found something I hadn't noticed before and it brings me to tears every time I think about it. It makes everything make sense. My trials, my hardships, my opinions on certain things, will bless me in this way. I don't feel comfortable sharing it on the Internet, but I know that each of us has certain blessings in store that aren't just temporary, they are eternal. As we follow God's commandments and listen to our Patriarchal Blessings, our blessings will be without number.  I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Officially finished reading all of the standard works for the first time :)

I just finished the New Testament for the first time all by myself. Phew!! It is a beautiful book and admittedly it was hard to study, but I'm grateful I did it. I have great admiration for those first apostles and I am so grateful we also have apostles today.i was surprised how comforted I was by the book of Revelations. It's very hopeful for the righteous, and that's what I plan to be. I know that God hasn't left us and that He still speaks to us through his apostles and prophets. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blog my Testimony

About a year ago I created my blog. In my last year of seminary I finally caught onto the whole devotional concept and did very well. It's not so much a talk, but taking a scripture or quote and applying it to my life. It was this idea that influences my blogging even today.

It's pretty much a weekly devotional which usually includes a scripture, an experience, gospel application, and my testimony. My testimony has grown so much because I have been constantly on the look for the scripture or quote for that week. As I read the scriptures I look for scriptures I can apply to my life. Sometimes an experience comes first and I have to find a scripture or quote that fits the bill. But this week was a little different. I somehow came across a quote by President Uchtdorf and felt prompted to write it down. I wrote it down thinking that maybe I'll use it in a blog post. Then a couple of nights ago I had an experience that directly related to that scripture, unintentially. 

I have viewers from all over the world look at my blog. It is such a wonderful feeling that I am able to share my testimony before I even leave for my mission. 

A couple of ways I share my blog is through Google Plus, Facebook, and Pinterest. Google Plus is like facebook sort of. I belong to a group on there that is full of youth and adults. I share my blog posts there. I also create cute little quote pictures for Pinterest and Facebook. I always tend to share my general link first on Facebook and Google Plus, create the quotes later, and then post the quote pictures on Facebook and Pinterest with the links. I also now have a page on Facebook just for my blog A Mermaid on Her Journey Facebook Page. Another thing I've started doing on Pinterest and the tags for my posts is #lds . I think being able to share our individual testimonies as a church would be huge. I know that what the prophet says is doctrine, but I think a flooding of social networking sites with our regular testimonies would be powerful. 

I love my blog and would keep it up even if it meant only one other person looked at it. It keeps me looking for blessings and lessons from God.

I bear my testimony that I know this church is true and I know that as we share our testimonies they grow stronger. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

God's Might

"Unfortunately, there are those who overlook the temporal because they consider it less important. They treasure the spiritual while minimizing the temporal. While it is important to have our thoughts inclined toward heaven, we miss the essence of our religion if our hands are not also inclined toward our fellowman." Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I felt no small amount of fear driving home from work tonight in pitch blackness, with only dim headlights on the car I was driving. The headlights barely helped because the rain just reflected it. When the lightning struck, the whole prairie and canyon lit up showing how exposed I was. I could barely see a few feet ahead of me with just the headlights in this rain, and then the lightning struck and the lightning lit up everything like day. It reminded me of Moses, how God told him to have faith and He shall show him great wonders (Exodus 3:20). That scary 27 minutes of my life showed me a small amount of God's power, in not just the little blessings, but in might. 

We must not forget that faith moves mountains and calms the seas, and not just brings us comfort. Both are important, but the spiritual and temporal are hand in hand. God freed the children of Israel from Egypt with miracles and plagues, and then Jesus unlocked the gates of Spirit Prison. Two great miracles with both spiritual and temporal properties and consequences. 

I bear my testimony that I know that the church is true and that God has power to do all things, and through faith in God we can do all things too. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.