Monday, June 1, 2015

God's Might

"Unfortunately, there are those who overlook the temporal because they consider it less important. They treasure the spiritual while minimizing the temporal. While it is important to have our thoughts inclined toward heaven, we miss the essence of our religion if our hands are not also inclined toward our fellowman." Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I felt no small amount of fear driving home from work tonight in pitch blackness, with only dim headlights on the car I was driving. The headlights barely helped because the rain just reflected it. When the lightning struck, the whole prairie and canyon lit up showing how exposed I was. I could barely see a few feet ahead of me with just the headlights in this rain, and then the lightning struck and the lightning lit up everything like day. It reminded me of Moses, how God told him to have faith and He shall show him great wonders (Exodus 3:20). That scary 27 minutes of my life showed me a small amount of God's power, in not just the little blessings, but in might. 

We must not forget that faith moves mountains and calms the seas, and not just brings us comfort. Both are important, but the spiritual and temporal are hand in hand. God freed the children of Israel from Egypt with miracles and plagues, and then Jesus unlocked the gates of Spirit Prison. Two great miracles with both spiritual and temporal properties and consequences. 

I bear my testimony that I know that the church is true and that God has power to do all things, and through faith in God we can do all things too. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

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