Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blog my Testimony

About a year ago I created my blog. In my last year of seminary I finally caught onto the whole devotional concept and did very well. It's not so much a talk, but taking a scripture or quote and applying it to my life. It was this idea that influences my blogging even today.

It's pretty much a weekly devotional which usually includes a scripture, an experience, gospel application, and my testimony. My testimony has grown so much because I have been constantly on the look for the scripture or quote for that week. As I read the scriptures I look for scriptures I can apply to my life. Sometimes an experience comes first and I have to find a scripture or quote that fits the bill. But this week was a little different. I somehow came across a quote by President Uchtdorf and felt prompted to write it down. I wrote it down thinking that maybe I'll use it in a blog post. Then a couple of nights ago I had an experience that directly related to that scripture, unintentially. 

I have viewers from all over the world look at my blog. It is such a wonderful feeling that I am able to share my testimony before I even leave for my mission. 

A couple of ways I share my blog is through Google Plus, Facebook, and Pinterest. Google Plus is like facebook sort of. I belong to a group on there that is full of youth and adults. I share my blog posts there. I also create cute little quote pictures for Pinterest and Facebook. I always tend to share my general link first on Facebook and Google Plus, create the quotes later, and then post the quote pictures on Facebook and Pinterest with the links. I also now have a page on Facebook just for my blog A Mermaid on Her Journey Facebook Page. Another thing I've started doing on Pinterest and the tags for my posts is #lds . I think being able to share our individual testimonies as a church would be huge. I know that what the prophet says is doctrine, but I think a flooding of social networking sites with our regular testimonies would be powerful. 

I love my blog and would keep it up even if it meant only one other person looked at it. It keeps me looking for blessings and lessons from God.

I bear my testimony that I know this church is true and I know that as we share our testimonies they grow stronger. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 


  1. I love sharing the gospel online, too! Thank you for all the work you put into your blog and social media outlets! They are amazing!

