Monday, August 4, 2014

Bad Pancakes and Guidelines

Today I tried to make pancakes. I have always been able to make pancakes, but I guess I was more of a blonde yesterday. I thought everything was going fine, until I mixed in the milk. Flour doesn't dissolve like this batch seemed to. So, I added more. And more. And more. 2 1/2 cups of the powdery substance. Then my aunt came in and asked if I really added that to my batter. I said, "Yes, why?" She then pulled out the actual flour. I started to laugh sadly. This was supposed to be my lunch and dinner. I added some real flour to my batter and cooked it up, curious to see what would come of it. What came out was some shortbread sort of tasting, gooey in the middle, not so good pastry things. They smell good, but they aren't pancakes.

This is sort of like trying to live your life in resistance to the gospel, you will get mostly edible doughy sort of things, but you won't get pancakes. God have us rules and guidelines for a reason, and shortcuts aren't going to cut it. 

I bear my testimony that I know that God gives us commandments for reasons, not just to "oppress" us. I know that we will be blessed as we keep his commandments, I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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