Saturday, April 11, 2015

Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6,

Sometimes it feels like you're blind and you can't see where you're going, and it's really scary. Sometimes you think you know where you're going and it turns out you've been going in circles. Sometimes you're too scared to go out of your comfort zone, so you plant your bum right where you are and hope something great happens to you. Sound familiar? Each one of us has been in one of these situations before. Why? Because at some point we stopped trusting God.

In the Book of Mormon Lehi is told to bring his family to a promised land, and to get out of Jerusalem because it was about to be destroyed. How many of us would have gone but been too scared and turned back? How many of us would have planted ourselves right where we were and said, "No, I'm not leaving."? How many of us would have gone, trusting the Lord? 

I'm not going to lie, a lot of the time trusting God is hard. In Matthew 14, Jesus was walking on water towards the disciples and Peter wanted to meet him and walk to him. Peter was walking on water, trusting in God and His power. Then he noticed the great wind and his  faith faltered, he started to sink. Sometimes it's ok to be scared, most of us won't have to walk on water. It's the paralizing fear, the fear that makes us want to hide in our bathroom cupboard and call our moms, that is disastrous. When we give in to that fear, is when we fail. We don't leave Jerusalem, we start to sink, we don't leave for our mission, we don't take that job that'll take us from home. Trusting in God doesn't necessarily mean we won't be afraid, it means that we understand our fears but won't give in to them. We keep moving forward. 

I know that when I trust God I am blessed. I am greatful every day for the blessings of following His guidance. I know that the Savior lives and loves me. I know that God loves me. My Savior knows my trials, and he made it so that I can be free of them. This is why I trust Him. I trust my God because He knows my beginning and future, He knew me before I was born. He knows what is best for me. I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus  Christ, amen. 

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