Monday, July 13, 2015

Returning to the Path

My hike on Thursday was very much like many of our lives. My date and I started on a path that was designated as an easy hike, very scenic, pretty, and short. We then decided we wanted to do a little longer of a hike, so we started on a trail that didn't seem difficult at all. It was all downhill in the beginning, and after a while we realized we were "lost". Neither of us had been on that trail before and not long after we realized we were lost, we decided to turn back.

Not realizing how steep we climbed down, we quickly knew how hard it was to turn back. We both noticed we weren't in nearly as good of shape as we thought we were, and it would be a lot harder to go back than it was coming to where we were. We were breathing very heavily and conversation slowed as we hiked back up to the trailhead. When we reached the map we realized we passed the spot where we were supposed to turn off, but both of us were so distracted in talking and goofing off that we didn't even notice the turnoff. We felt very silly and very tired. The rest of our date was very fun and mostly involved getting to know each other and eating.

Oftentimes in life we are on autopilot on straight and narrow, just living in a routine in the gospel, and then end up wondering off of the path, not noticing  that we missed the turnoff. When we need to repent we realize how hard it is and how out of shape we are in the gospel. It can be very discouraging! But once we are back on the path, and our breathing is regular again, we realize that we almost missed on the blessings of the gospel.

I bare to you my testimony that repentance is a great gift. Being able to repent and return to the path we are meant to be on is such a blessing. Christ gave us the Atonement so that we may return to the path and become like him. What a miracle! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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