Thursday, July 2, 2015

Patriotism by example

The previous week was filled with many ups and downs. One of the greatest ups was being able to find a whole branch of my family that I thought would be lost. There was little to go off of in Family Search, so I thought maybe one day I'll be able to find their records for their parents in person. Last Monday I found his parents and his family. I had felt a prompting to look at Family Search and for family history work I might have missed. Lo and behold there was a hint for one of the records I needed to open an entire branch of my family that I thought would be lost for years. What joy I felt! Not only this but I found out that my great great grandpa served in WWI and received a medal for his service. It brought me closer to him and his family because I know how it feels to have a dad deployed and how wonderful it is to have him come home safe and sound. 

My dad taught me patriotism, or rather his example taught me patriotism. He served his country for twenty five years in the army. He taught me that sacrifice for one's country is sacred and something many people don't understand. When I put out the flag at work, I always have the pledge of allegiance in my heart, as always followed with the song "I'm Proud to be an American." This is the song they play at homecomings for soldiers and it will always make me cry. The joy of having my daddy come home safely and to have him finally home was and is always overwhelming. 

I bare my testimony that I know that God loves each of us, and I am grateful for this land of liberty we live in. I am grateful for the soldiers who serve our nation. I love you daddy, and happy birthday. Happy Independence Day, and God bless America. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.    

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