Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My walls

Walls can be symbols of protection and isolation, but today I'm to talk about something a little different. Bedroom walls.  Everyone has posters and stuff up in their room, so do I. The way I define my decorations of my walls is a collage of everything that is me and what I'm trying to be.
Starting from fifth grade, fifth grade was the first time I had a teacher that supported me, and I had friends who I genuinely loved. I have several successes from fifth grade pinned upon my wall.

I have all of my camp awards up. I loved my YCLs my third and fourth years at camp, and I could tell that they really worked hard at being YCLs those years. I loved them for effort and kindness. They paid attention to us and were so wonderful and Christlike.

I have lots of stuff from my wonderful Young Women leaders. Through my entire career in the youth program my leaders made it clear where my heart needs to be, and that is the temple. I have several pictures of the temple on my walls because of this.

I have some pictures of myself when I was a baby up on my walls. My parents love me so much and I feel this through looking at these pictures. I have my Daddy Doll on a shelf where I can see it before I go to bed. Daddy Dolls are given to kids when their dad deploys, the face of the doll has a clear sheath that you can slip a picture of your daddy in. It gives kids a way to snuggle with their daddy while he is deployed. I love that daddy doll, and am and always will be an Army Brat.

My newest addition is the lovely note one of my Activity Day girls wrote me about how much she loves Activity Days and she loves me.

My favorite pieces are of my Savior. I have several and they convey the warm kindness that I need day to day.

Our bedroom walls are like our lives, if we surround ourselves with positivity and love, that's what we will feel. If we surround ourselves with good people, good books, good tv shows, and the gospel we will come to know our Savior better and realize that we are happy. I testify to you that surrounding yourself with good things and people will bless you exponentially. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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